From Valuescience
Revision as of 10:32, 17 January 2017 by Robin Bayer (Talk)
- Define consilience and explain how it is possible and why it is necessary
- How do we know?
- Explain why science is a singular basis for consilience (culture cleaner)
- Make case for valuescience
- Define value. Show prediction is nexus. Value meaningful only to extent resting on successful prediction.
- Predicate behavior upon, and explain it with ideas about value
- Map different from territory. Humans numerous and powerful. Errors increasingly costly. Must close gap to thrive, survive.
- What is? (AAAS, Huang twins)
- Matterenergy, spacetime, universe, particles, elements, forces, laws
- Solar system, Sun, Earth, moon, life, biosphere, matter cycles, energy flows
- Humans, mind, society, technology, artifact
- How did it come to be?
- Evolution of universe, Earth, life, human life, society, to c. 200,000 years BCE (Harvey)
- Evolution of global ecosystem for most recent 200,000 years (Harvey)
- Human hunting/gathering, agriculture, urbanization, centralization of power and rise of social “system,” specialization, technological development (Eisler, Mumford, Urban, Heilbroner)
- Energy and other resource depletion, proliferation of hazards, disruption of processes, overshoot, complexity (Catton, Tainter)
- Human physical and psychological characteristics (Diamond, Shepard)
- Where are we going? (status and trends of factors in ecological framework)
- Mental and physical health (Shepard; life expectancy at different ages)
- Information
- Accuracy (science; other)
- Pertinence (misperceived threat stats)
- Signal-to-noise ratio (30% porn)
- Nature/human ecology (Club of Rome; IPCC; biodiversity)
- Artifact (AI prognosticators e.g., Urban)
- Society
- Dominator/Partnership (Kelly)
- Emergence of “System” and “Megamachine”
- Technocornucopian/Transitional & Multinational corporate/Local personal
- What do we want?
- Describe vision for self, society, Earth
- Selfish gene (Dawkins)
- Meme machines (Dennett, Blackmore)
- Status in social hierarchy
- Maslow
- How can we get it?
- accommodation/manipulation
- consciousness/technology
- What ask/offer?
- Portfolio of selves
- trade-offs
- How become better able to realize vision through conscious evolution of self?
- Genetic
- Epigenetic
- Experiential
- Replace flawed bases for knowing value
- Science-based religion (connectedness, ethics)
- Biophysical economics (TruCost; Nordhaus coal)
- Seignorage money system
- Political and moral philosophy
- Literal, integrated capitalism/incomism
- Literal, integrated communism/individualism
- How evolve visions