From Valuescience
A project is opportunity to share valuescience with an audience you think will appreciate and benefit from it. We may publish projects with attribution.
- Demonstrate competence to communicate benefits of valuescience.
- Disseminate valuescience.
- Deliver proposal, draft(s), and final project on or before due dates.
- Embody key elements of valuescience argument: define science, value, valuescience; why value important; why sound means to discern value important; why valuescience is such.
- Apply valuescience to specific issue(s) using example(s) drawn from project author's or authors' lives.
- Describe how project author(s) or others likely to be viewed as "social proof" by target audience benefitted by practicing valuescience: changes in ideas; changes in action.
- Tailor to audience: in clear, engaging, persuasive way describe key characteristics (e.g., size, age, relation to project creators, education, socioeconomic status, etc.) as appropriate; describe choice of medium and format in general terms (e.g., 3-minute video dramatization; 5-minute poster presentation; three-fold brochure).
- Elicit evidence of learning by audience: understanding (evidence); action (evidence).
- Create media reusable by authors or others (state how).
A project grade comprises 25% of your course grade (20% if you're enrolled in practicum). We grade your project on the following, weighted as indicated:
- Evidence of effort. Project is 25% of three units; 20% of four units; each unit nominally entails 20 hours of preparation outside class. This amounts to 15-16 hours of work. Begin soon and spread this over several weeks. (0-20%)
- Degree to which you meet standards enumerated above at "Criteria." (80-100%)